“GO!… Most any play that sheds light on racism and the oppression of women gets my vote, and Blueprint for Paradise does both.” — Deborah Klugman, LA Weekly
“RIVETING… TOP-NOTCH… imaginatively build[s] a what-if plot that combines fact and fiction… deserves to be seen not only on the boards of the Hudson Mainstage, but far beyond.” —Ed Rampell, Hollywood Progressive
“THIS IS YOUR TICKET… reconfirms that L.A. is a magnificent town for great theatre… a highly satisfying experience [and] a cautionary tale about what, without vigilance, could happen again in the country we live in.” — Eric A, Gordon, People’s World
“HIGHLY DRAMATIC… a tour-de-force… directed for full theatrical effect” — Morna Martell, Theatre Spoken Here
“ELECTRIFYING… evoke[s] an eerie sense of familiarity to the news we see in our world today… a thrilling denouement” — Ryan Luévano, Tin Pan L.A.
“WILL ENTERTAIN AND INFORM YOU… Anyone interested in history needs to hurry to the Hudson to see Blueprint For Paradise.” — Serita Stevens, LA Splash
“KUDOS TO ALL THE ACTORS… one of the most elaborate, detailed sets seen in a small 99-seater.” — Gil Kaan, BroadwayWorld
“ENTERTAINING… a jarring portrait of some of more the more social and political currents of the time” — Lovell Estell III, Stage Raw
“INTERESTING, ENTERTAINING… the actors [are] solid pros” — Paul Myrvold, Theatre Notes
“CHALLENGING AND BRILLIANT THEATER… [a] must-see new play… should be part of the curriculum in trying to end intolerance.” — Rosalind Marmel, Beverly Hills PATCH
“Takes the strings of legend and history, weaving a tapestry of events that highlight HUMAN DRAMA… VERY HIGH PRODUCTIION VALUES in many of the areas that matter most–acting especially.” — David MacDowell Blue, The World Through Night-Tinted Glasses
“IMPORTANT… the entire cast does a superb job.” — Carol Kaufman Segal, Review Plays
“WOW!… an unexplored bit of L.A. history… Still, it’s what happens when Clara’s eyes get opened to life’s infinite possibilities that make this World Premiere drama an August treat.
— Steven Stanley, Stage Scene LA