Press Contact: Lucy Pollak
lucy@lucypr.com (818) 887-1499 (for media only)
Get ready to enter a world of theatrical combat:
Audiences pick the winner in Fountain Theatre’s
5th annual Rapid Development Series for young writers
Fountain Theatre’s 5th annual ‘Rapid Development Series’ for young writers: “Round 2” — You be the judge: the audience will determine which play gets a professional staged reading at the Fountain Theatre in Round 2 of the company’s 5th annual competition-style reading series, set for Thursday, May 9 at 8 p.m. Admission is free.
The contestants are Eldritch by Michael Herman, a dark fairytale set in pagan Ireland that explores human monstrosity, adolescence and, ultimately, love — vs. — Monsters Are Made by Hannah C. Langley, in which Ricki is faced with a difficult set of questions when Hunter, her rapist and former friend, forces his way back into her life a year after he’s declared not guilty in the court of public opinion.
The Fountain’s Rapid Development Series is designed to showcase the work of previously unproduced, Los Angeles-based playwrights under the age of 30. In Round 1, each of four playwrights presented a section of a new play currently in development, and the audience voted to determine which two would continue to Round 2. In Round 2, audiences will see the entire first half of each of those two plays, followed by another vote. The winning play and playwright will be announced at the end of the evening in the Fountain’s upstairs café, where complimentary refreshments will be served. The prize: two professional staged readings of the entire play on the Fountain stage at the end of May.
• Round 2: Thursday, May 9 at 8.p.m.
• Stage readings of winning play: Wednesday, May 29 and Thursday, May 30, both at 8 p.m.
The Fountain Theatre
5060 Fountain Ave.
Los Angeles CA 90029
(Fountain at Normandie)
(323) 663-1525 or www.FountainTheatre.com
FREE (includes complimentary refreshments and free parking in the on-site lot)