Lucy Pollak Public Relations

4Play – Press Release

a place we have not been before


Unique 4Play: Sex In A Seriesset for

West Coast premiere on Valentine’s Day

LOS ANGELES (Jan. 9, 2018) — Celebrate Valentine’s Day (and the rest of February and March) with a delightful romcom that blurs the lines between art and life, between gay and straight. New York City’s trip. theater ensemble kicks off its move to L.A. with its hit production of 4Play: Sex In A Series, direct from a sold-out run in Chicago. The West Coast premiere opens on Valentine’s Day (Wednesday, Feb. 14) at the West Hollywood-adjacent Actors Company, where performances continue through March 17.

trip. brings us the not-so-simple story of boy meets girl, boy meets boy, girl meets girl — and all the little things that can ruin a perfectly good dinner party — in a fresh and uniquely theatrical way. Show Business Weekly called the New York production “an all-around feel-good, fun night out, which leaves you wanting more… The romances are steamy, the characters are lovable, and the performance is expressive, lively and animated.” The Washington Square News labeled it “a rare find with superior acting and writing. A must see,” and TIME OUT Chicago hailed “the endearing characters, the honest and playful performances and the credible chemistry between everyone in the cast.” Chicago’s The Fourth Wall found it to be “so perfectly executed that the audience may well forget they are watching a play.”

“We’re so excited to bring this very special show to L.A.,” says trip. founder and artistic director Graham Brown, who created 4Play together with Nathan Faudree and Lisa Roth. Brown also directs and appears in the production as a member of the ensemble. In addition, the Los Angeles cast features Ariana Anderson, Bevin Bru, Eve Danzeisen, Zoë Simpson Dean, Marian Frizelle, Dustyn Gulledge, Lara Helena, Kaitlin Large, Zoquera Milburn, Cameron J. Oro, Christi Pedigo, Kirstin Racicot, Kelsey Risher, Robert Walters and Dan Wilson.

A meta-theatrical, play-within-a-play, 4Play explores the meaning of personal entanglement, focusing on three couples — one gay, one lesbian and one heterosexual — and referencing everything from quantum physics to the Infield Fly Rule, William Shakespeare and Cole Porter. Performances will take place in The Actor’s Company flexible “Other Space,” where the theater seats will be removed and replaced with cocktail tables to create a heightened experience. With an intimate acting style and environment, trip. seeks to draw the audience into the action, rather than push them away with spectacle or pretension.

“trip. has developed a reputation for our highly realistic style,” explains Brown. “Because the action takes place in the audience, the show is constantly evolving and adapting itself to its surroundings. In a sense, the actors never really stop rehearsing, even after the production is open. They are constantly trying new things with nothing set in stone — choices are fresh, without presentation.”

4Play was originally produced in 2004 at Tribe, a small club in New York’s East Village. The company continued to re-visit the project every few years, performing in back rooms, theaters, galleries — anywhere they could find space. In 2014 they brought the show to Chicago, where it sold out, and according to Time Out, became the number two show to see in Chicago.

Founded in 1995, trip. is a not-for-profit production company dedicated to reaching out to a new audience by producing original work that is vital, challenging and relevant. trip. strives to consistently provide audiences with a unique, truthful and engaging experience through a commitment to the actor, particularly the actor as a part of the ensemble. Equally dedicated to developing and nourishing a sense of community, trip. seeks to bridge the gap between artist and audience. trip., a place we have not been before.

4Play: Sex In A Series opens on Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 8 p.m., with performances thereafter on Thursdays at 8 p.m., Fridays at 8 p.m. and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through March 17. All tickets are $25; a Valentine’s Weekend “Lover’s Package” is available Feb. 14-17 for $70 (includes two tickets, champagne, chocolates and a naughty/nice surprise package). The Actors Company is located at 916 A North Formosa Ave, Los Angeles CA 90046. For reservations and information, call (800) 838-3006 or go to

Details for Calendar Listings

4Play: Sex In A Series

4Play: Sex In A Series Celebrate Valentine’s Day (and the rest of February and March) with this delightful romantic comedy that blurs the lines between art and life, gay and straight. New York City’s trip. theater ensemble kicks off its move to L.A. with the West Coast premiere of the company’s uniquely theatrical hit production, direct from a sold out run in Chicago — the not-so-simple story of boy meets girl, boy meets boy, girl meets girl, and all the little things that can ruin a perfectly good dinner party. trip.: a place we have not been before. #tripla.

“The romances are steamy, the characters are lovable, and the performance is expressive, lively and animated… an all-around feel-good, fun night out, which leaves you wanting more. — Show Business Weekly, NYC

“A rare find with superior acting and writing. A must see!” — Washington Square News, NYC

“Intimate and everything that is real” — Not For Tourists NYC

“The strength of ‘4PLAY’ is what counts: the endearing characters, the honest and playful performances and the credible chemistry between everyone in the cast.”  — TIME OUT Chicago

“So perfectly executed that the audience may well forget they are watching a play.”  — The Fourth Walsh, Chicago

“Coyly mixes life with art” — Chicago Reader

• Written by Graham Brown with Nathan Faudree and Lisa Roth
• Directed by Graham Brown
• Featuring Ariana Anderson, Graham Brown, Bevin Bru, Eve Danzeisen, Zoë Simpson Dean, Marian Frizelle, Dustyn Gulledge, Lara Helena, Kaitlin Large, Zoquera Milburn, Cameron J. Oro, Christi Pedigo, Kirstin Racicot, Kelsey Risher, Robert Walters, Dan Wilson
• Presented by trip.

Feb. 14 – March 17:
Wednesday at 8 p.m.: Feb. 14 ONLY (Opening Night)
Thursdays at 8 p.m.: Feb. 15, Feb. 22, March 1, March 8, March 15
Fridays at 8 p.m.: Feb. 16, Feb. 23, March 2, March 9, March 16
Saturdays at 8 p.m.: Feb. 17, Feb. 24, March 3, March 10, March 17

trip. @ The Actors Company
916 A North Formosa Ave
Los Angeles CA 90046

(800) 838-3006 or
• facebook:
• twitter: @tripnycorg
• instagram: @trip4play
• hashtag: #tripLA

• General Admission: $25
• “Lover’s Package” available Feb. 14-17 (includes two tickets, champagne, chocolates and a naughty/nice surprise package): $70
