Lucy Pollak Public Relations

Breathing Room – Reviews

Arts In LA
DELICATE IMAGERY AND LEAPS OF THE IMAGINATION… hurry over to the Greenway Court without delay.” — Bob Verini, Arts In LA, member Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle

Colorado Boulevard
NOT TO BE MISSED!… A beautiful, musical, poetic, and totally unique performance… a lovely, ‘mind-expanding’ evening.“ — Carol Edger Germain,

UTTERLY UNIQUE… musical magic” — Ron Irwin,
A FRESH AND THOUGHT-PROVOKING evening for a discerning audience.” — Michael Van Duzer,

Stage Raw
REFRESHING… an inventive ear environment” — Myron Meisel, Stage Raw, member Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle

The Tvolution
INTOXICATING… an experience of intense feeling spoken softly… a joyous dance.” —Ernest Kearney, The Tvolution