Los Angeles Times
“KEEN INTELLIGENCE AND PLAYWRITING BOLDNESS… A time-tripping feminist classic nimbly done by Antaeus Theatre Company… bowls theatergoers over with its breathtaking theatrical daring.” — Charles McNulty, Los Angeles Times
Stage Raw
“RECOMMENDED… STAGE RAW TOP 10 … thoughtful direction… an inspired ensemble… Do yourself a favor and check it out… SUPERB.” — Terry Morgan, Stage Raw
“A RESOUNDING 10!… hilarious, yet heartstring-tugging… Bravo!” — Gil Kaan, Broadwayworld
Paul Myrvold’s Theatre Notes
“SMASHING… invests the work with freshness and passion that delivers raucous comedy and social satire… Smartly directed by Casey Stangl, the acting ensemble is simply superb…. a DON’T MISS!” — Paul Myrvold’s Theatre Notes
“WOW!… VIBRANT… TRANSCENDANT… would give any Broadway revival a run for its money” — Steven Stanley, Stage Scene LA
On Stage Los Angeles
“EXCELLENT” — Michael Sheehan, On Stage Los Angeles
LA Splash
“BRILLIANT… Freshness and creativity tickle our fancies and make us re-evaluate old stereotypes and long-held beliefs… never a dull moment. This exciting production is A MUST SEE.” —Elaine L. Mura, LA Splash
Theatre Ghost
“BURSTING WITH HUMOR… and rich in things to talk over afterward.” — Mark Hein, Theatre Ghost
“WONDROUS… riotously funny, clever beyond words, and serious to boot… entertaining as all get-out.” — Dale Reynolds, EDGE
“A TOUR DE FORCE… hilarious and outrageous… unique, eye-opening and thought-provoking… MISS IT AT YOUR OWN PERIL” — Radomir Luza, NoHoArtsDistrict.com
Haines His Way
“FIVE STARS… nuanced direction… The acting company is superb… THEATRICAL NIRVANA” — Rob Stevens, Haines His Way
Santa Monica Daily Press
“If you want to see SOME OF THE BEST ACTING IN TOWN, this is definitely the play to see.” — Cynthia Citron, Santa Monica Daily Press