Lucy Pollak Public Relations

Grey Nomad – Reviews

Stage Raw
RECOMMENDEDSTAGE RAW TOP TEN… The ensemble delights as they humorously and wholeheartedly negotiate the uncertainty of their respective circumstances.” — Dana Martin, Stage Raw

Stage Scene LA
WOW!HILARIOUS, HEARTWARMING… four of the most delectable performances you’ll see any time soon… these Aussies in L.A. have made for some of the best theater in town.” — Steven Stanley, Stage Scene LA

Hollywood Times
THE FUNNIEST PLAY OF 2017… a hysterical and heart-warming comedy about living the dream… Be prepared to laugh, have a good time, and gain perspective.” — Meg Taylor, The Hollywood Times

Broadway World
TONS OF LAUGHTER… will leave you cheering for these newly reborn nomads.” — Shari Barrett, Broadway World

FUN… sharply quirky dialogue and insight into the process of growing older despite ourselves… will give you a laugh from way deep down in that place when the world seemed easier to navigate than it does in 2017.” — Travis Holder, Ticket Holders LA

A LOVELY SHOW… dignity and foolishness intertwin[e] to make it a fun evening.” — Dale Reynolds, EDGE

LA Beat
A REALLY FUN RIDE… funny and touching and a trip worth taking” — Joan Alperin, The L.A. Beat

The Los Angeles Post
HILARIOUS… All the actors are splendid, terrifically funny but utterly believable, and Mr. Sinclair’s direction keeps things crackling.” — Dan Berkowitz, The Los Angeles Post

The TVolution
A ROWDY, RIOTOUSLY FUNNY evening in the theatre… full of simple humanity” — Ernest Kearney, The Tvolution