Lucy Pollak Public Relations

Handjob – Reviews

Los Angeles Times
THOUGHT-PROVOKINGENTERTAINING… grapples with the very nature of theater and how it could or should reflect life… terrific acting, directing and production elements.” — Daryl H. Miller, Los Angeles Times

Stage Raw
RECOMMENDEDSTAGE RAW TOP TENSMART AND VERY FUNNY… expertly acted and directed and genuinely thought-provoking in the best way.” — Terry Morgan, Stage Raw

KCRW 89.9 FM
EXCITING… Playwright [Erik Patterson] masterfully plays on what the audience knows, maybe even what they are thinking… A story you thought you had a sense for, and frankly had gotten a bit ahead of, cracks itself open and becomes simultaneously deeper and funnier, much funnier” — Anthony Byrnes, KCRW 89.9 FM

LA Observed
INGENIOUSLY STRUCTURED AND REMARKABLY TOPICAL… unfolds new layers every 20 minutes or so… plenty of rich, ironic comedy… [a] theatrical adventure” — Don Shirley, LA Observed

Broadway World
STUNNING… Patterson’s very witty and smart script of clever puns and sharp observations gets even more witty and even smarter after a big reveal… comic gold” — Gil Kaan, Broadway World

Los Angeles Post
INGENIOUS…  imaginative and funny and outrageous and startling.” — Dan Berkowitz, Los Angeles Post

On Stage Los Angeles
BRILLIANT… tight and eloquent… the performances are letter perfect… [an] amazing script.” — Michael Sheehan, On Stage Los Angeles

Theatre Notes
EXTRAORDINARYELECTRIFYING… scintillatingly intellectual and passionate. The stakes are high and words flow powerful and gripping… Don’t miss it.” — Paul Myrvold, Theatre Notes

Stage Scene LA
PROVOCATIVE… SENSATIONALLY PERFORMED… ‘I didn’t see that coming’ twists’ ” — Steven Stanley, Stage Scene LA

Better Lemons
INTELLIGENT AS WELL AS EMOTIONAL… well written and extremely relevant, challenging and intellectually stimulating dialogue… KUDOS” — Shari Barrett, Better Lemons

Ticket Holders LA
ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT, opening up a discourse about why any artist needs to shy away from controversy as it continuously barrages those gathered with uproariously funny dialogue and awkward situations.” — Travis Holder, Ticket Holders LA

PUSH[ES] THE CONVENTIONAL DRAMATIC ENVELOPE … The cast is uniformly strong, and they play even the trickiest and most uncomfortable moments with total conviction.” — Michael Van Duzer, Showmag

Hollywood Revealed
GIVE THIS PLAY A HAND… tackle[s] some very dangerous subject matter… observe carefully and discuss intensely but ultimately sit back relax and enjoy” —  Todd Gaebe,Hollywood Revealed

Mike Check
SHARP… some of the best writing you will see on-stage… [a] ninety-minute rollercoaster ride… I highly recommend checking out this one.” — Mike Reyes, Mike Check

USC Annenberg Media
TANGIBLY ELECTRIC… I was on the edge of my seat…There were moments where I truly forgot where I was…Handjob captured the magic of what theater can do.” — Ginger Gordon, USC Annenberg Media

The Tvolution
THOROUGHLY ENTERTAINING… a theatrical rubik’s cube” — Ernest Kearney, The Tvolution