Lucy Pollak Public Relations

In Circles – Reviews

Los Angeles Times
A TANTALIZING REVIVALCURIOUSLY DELIGHTFUL… turns nonsense into lyrical enchantment… The skillfulness of the singing is captivating, but equally so is the adventurousness of the actors…. CRITIC’S CHOICE” — Charles McNulty, Los Angeles Times

Ticket Holders LA
BRILLIANTLY REINVENTED by Schweizer to become one of the most delightful and most refreshing musical treats to hit LA stages this year.” — Travis Holder, Ticket Holders LA

The Show Report
CHARMING FROM THE GET-GO… a marvelous piece of musical theatre, full of entertainment and surprises, sentiment and humor… the music is just stunning” — Chris Daniels, The Show Report

Cultural Weekly
HIGHLY CREATIVE… what makes the current OTE revival of In Circles enjoyable is not an expectation that it should make sense, but that it should entertain. And that it does… enchanting voices that crucially raise aloft the nonsequitur text.” — Sylvie Drake, Cultural Weekly

Stage Raw
VISUALLY STRIKING… offers entertainment and laughs, augmented by the buzzing energy and imagination of veteran director David Schweizer.” — Lovell Estell III, Stage Raw

People’s World
DELIGHTFULLY QUIRKY… the very best spirit of inventiveness and freedom of speech that Gertrude Stein represented is on display now in a stunning performance that holds untold moments of unalloyed, albeit nonlinear pleasure. There’s plenty of there there.” — Eric Gordon, People’s World

LA Splash
EXUBERANT… Stein’s lush word salad enhanced by Carmines’ wide range of musical moments… uber-talented musicians with melodic voices and flowing feet.” — Elaine Mura, LA Splash

U.S. Theater, Opera & Performance (+)
SPECTACULAR… wonderfully directed… the best production I have seen this year in Los Angeles.” — Douglas Messerli, U.S. Theater, Opera and Performance

Total Theater
“[A] TALENTED CAST… Alternate[s] between serious and funny, sarcasm and whimsy, puns and non sequiturs.” — Willard Manus, Total Theater

Carol’s Culture Corner
EXTRAORDINARY… talented singers and dancers…diverse music styles and dancing… wonderful staging” — Carol Kaufman Segal, Carol’s Culture Corner

Broadway World
A FEAST… fabulous harmonies… continuously creative choreography… Just go with the flow and let the atmosphere of the 1968 theatre scene set your mind free!” — Shari Barrett, Broadway World

INFECTIOUS… a rare opportunity to see one of Carmines’ most celebrated musicals… original cast member, Jacque Lynn Colton mixes a wide-eyed naughtiness with authorial dignity and an antic spirit in a performance that is an unalloyed delight.” — Michael Van Duzer, Showmag