Los Angeles Times
“ENDEARING PERFORMANCES… The Hinkler sisters bring the roles vividly to life.” — Margaret Gray, Los Angeles Times
Stage Raw
“RECOMMENDED… NUANCED AND BELIEVABLE… the acting is tight to the point of being almost profound — and the fact that the two performers are themselves identical twins lends the work a fascinating psychological layer” — Paul Birchall, Stage Raw
INTELLIGENT AND COMPELLING… the work of performers Elizabeth and Emily Hinkler is as arresting as it is brave.” —Evan Henerson, Curtain Up
Paul Myrvold’s Theatre Notes
“TRULY REMARKABLE… Together or separate, the Hinkleys are spellbinding.” — Paul Myrvold’s Theatre Notes
Theatre Spoken Here
“AFFIRMING AND HEROIC… There is not a moment that rings false, as we bear witness to [the twins’] loving connection.” — Morna Martell, Theatre Spoken Here
Total Theater
”POWERFUL, DEEPLY HUMAN AND COMPASSIONATE… twin actors Emily and Elizabeth Hinkler… share a chemistry and connection one rarely finds in actors today.” — Will Manus, Total Theater
LA Splash
“The real-life Hinkler twins SHINE WITH TALENT” — Elaine L. Mura, LA Splash
Tin Pan L.A.
“INTRIGUES AND DELIGHTS…heartfelt, and deep reaching” — Ryan Luévano, Tin Pan L.A.
“A POIGNANT DRAMA… fascinating and emotionally gripping” — David Maurer, CultureSpotLA
Theatre Ghost
“IMPORTANT AND POWERFUL… excellently staged and flawlessly performed… a gift… Open it and see.” — Mark Hein, Theatre Ghost
Larchmont Chronicle
“BRILLIANT PERFORMANCES… not to be missed” — Patricia Foster Rye, Larchmont Chronicle
“IMPORTANT… POWERFUL” — Carol Edger-Germain, ColoradoBoulevard.net
Will Call
“MOVING AND SUPERBLY ACTED… Some of the best acting you’ll ever see” — Ingrid Wilmot, Will Call
Huffington Post
“MOVING AND EMOTIONALLY ENGAGING…The performances are excellent… Ron Sossi and Paul David Story skillfully co-direct” — Hoyt Hilsman, Huffington Post