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- Nick Hardcastle as Orry-Kelly
Photo by Tony Duran
- Nick Hardcastle as Orry-Kelly
Photo by Tony Duran
- Nick Hardcastle as Orry-Kelly
Photo by Tony Duran
- Nick Hardcastle and Miranda Skerman
Photo by Tony Duran
- Nick Hardcastle and Miranda Skerman
Photo by Tony Duran
Historical photos of Orry-Kelly:
- Ingrid Bergman wearing
Orry-Kelly in Casablanca (1942).
Photograph: Rex Features
- Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis
wearing Orry-Kelly gowns in
Some Like it Hot (1959).
Everett-Rex Features
- Kay Francis and Orry-Kelly
discuss a costume design
Photo courtesy of Scotty Bowers
- Orry-Kelly and Bebe Daniels
Credit: Margaret Herrick Library,
Academy of Motion Pictures
Arts and Sciences
- Orry-Kelly dressing Ava Gardner
for One Touch of Venus (1948).
Universal Picturesl/Photofest
- Orry-Kelly dressing
Marilyn Monroe for
Some Like it Hot (1959).
Photograph: United Artists
- Orry-Kelly and Tony Curtis
on the set of Some Like It Hot (1959).
Photograph: United Artists/Photofest