Press Contact: Lucy Pollak
lucy@lucypr.com (818) 887-1499 (for media only)
Fountain Theatre’s hit production of Chaim Potok’s ‘The Chosen’
adds performances and extends to accommodate audience demand
LOS ANGELES (Feb. 20, 2018) — In the wake of nearly two-dozen rave reviews and six weeks of sold-out houses, the Fountain Theatre has extended its run of The Chosen and increased performances from three to four per week. Adapted by Aaron Posner and Chaim Potok from Potok’s bestselling novel of the same name, The Chosen will now continue through May 7.
A moving coming-of-age story set in Williamsburg, Brooklyn against the backdrop of World War II, the revelation of the Holocaust and the desperate struggle of Zionism, The Chosen is the story of two observant Jewish boys who live only five blocks, yet seemingly worlds, apart. Danny (Dor Gvirtsman) is the son of the charismatic but forbidding Reb Saunders (Steven B. Green, stepping in for the extension), an ultra-Orthodox tzaddik who has raised his son in strict silence. Reuven (Sam Mandel) is the son of the more traditionally Orthodox scholar and fervent Zionist David Malter (Jonathan Arkin). When Danny injures Reuven during a baseball game between their rival yeshivas, their two universes collide and a unique friendship is born.
In its “Critic’s Choice” review, the Los Angeles Times calls the play “deeply emotional,” noting that the Fountain production “reminds us to reach across divides.” L.A. Splash writes that The Chosen is “a universal story of relationships in their multitude of forms, mak[ing] this play something for everyone – Jewish or not.” Stage Scene LA says, “’The Chosen’ is a must-see for audiences of any age, ethnicity, or religious affiliation.” BroadwayWorld hails The Chosen as “a moving coming-of-age story… funny, poignant, timely and timeless,” and Stage and Cinema declares it to be “vital, alive, and important.”
“We are thrilled that this production is resonating with so many people, and that we are touching so many hearts,” says director Simon Levy.
Performances of The Chosen take place on Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at 8 p.m.; Sundays at 2 p.m.; and Mondays at 8 p.m. through May 7. Join the cast and guest speakers for a “Breaking It Down” discussion series following Sunday matinee performances on April 8 (“Impact of the Holocaust on American Culture”), April 22 (“The Chosen’s Place in Literature”) and May 6 (“The Many Faces of Israel’s Jewish Community in 2018”).
The Fountain Theatre is located at 5060 Fountain Avenue (at Normandie) in Los Angeles. Tickets range from $20–$40; every Monday is Pay-What-You-Want (limited availability; order early). Secure, on-site parking is available for $5. The Fountain Theatre is air-conditioned and wheelchair accessible. Patrons are invited to relax before and after the show at the Fountain’s indoor/outdoor café. For reservations and information, call (323) 663-1525 or go to www.FountainTheatre.com.
Details for Calendar Listings
‘The Chosen’
The Chosen — The Fountain Theatre’s hit production adds Friday performances and extends through May 7 due to overwhelming audience demand. A silent father, an ancient tradition and an unexpectedly important game of baseball forge bonds of lifelong friendship between two Jewish boys from “five blocks and a world apart” in this funny, poignant, timely and timeless father-son story about recognition and acceptance of “the other.”
• Adapted for the stage by Aaron Posner and Chaim Potok
• Based on the novel by Chaim Potok
• Directed by Simon Levy
• Starring Jonathan Arkin, Steven B. Green, Dor Gvirtsman, Sam Mandel
• Produced by Stephen Sachs and Deborah Lawlor
• Presented by The Fountain Theatre
Performances extended through May 7
• Fridays at 8 p.m.: Mar. 2, 9, 16; Apr. 6, 13, 20, 27; May 4 (dark Feb. 23, Mar. 23, Mar. 30)
• Saturdays at 8 p.m.: Feb. 24; Mar. 3, 10, 17; Apr. 7, 14, 21, 28; May 5 (dark Mar. 24, Mar. 31)
• Sundays at 2 p.m.: Feb. 25; Mar. 4, 11, 18; Apr. 8*, 15, 22*, 29; May 6* (dark Mar. 25, Apr. 1)
• Mondays at 8 p.m.: Feb. 26; Mar. 5, 12, 19; Apr. 9, 16, 23, 30; May 7 (dark Mar. 26, Apr. 2)
*”Breaking It Down” discussion series follows Sunday matinee performances on April 8 (“Impact of the Holocaust on American Culture”), April 22 (“The Chosen’s Place in Literature”) and May 6 (“The Many Faces of Israel’s Jewish Community in 2018”).
The Fountain Theatre
5060 Fountain Ave.
Los Angeles CA 90029
(Fountain at Normandie) s
(323) 663-1525 or www.FountainTheatre.com
• Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheFountainTheatre
• Follow us on Twitter: @fountaintheatre
• Instagram: https://instagram.com/fountaintheatre/
$20 – $40:
• Premium Seating: $40
• Regular Seating: $35
• Seniors 65 or older: $27 (regular seating only)
• Students: $20 (valid ID required)
• RUSH: $20 (at the door, 15 mins prior to curtain, subject to availability)
• Monday nights: Pay-What-You-Want (limited availability; order early)
Secure, on-site parking: $5