“David Varriale’s drama about the fading out of a previously prominent Mafia goombah, “The Last Vig,” directed by the playwright, has serious balls as a play, with requisite tensions, authentic dialogue, and performances worthy of the production.” — Dale Reynolds, EDGE
LA Splash
“ ‘Goodfellas’ after the senior years set in – with some very funny quips added… a nostalgic romp” — Elaine L. Mura, LA Splash
Theatre Notes
“[Burt Young’s] character is emotionally true and heart-felt… handsomely produced” — Paul Myrvold, Theatre Notes
Theatre Spoken Here
“You can’t take your eyes of Burt Young… The rest of the cast are superb… well written and directed… imaginatively produced” — Morna Martel, Theatre Spoken Here & Not Born Yesterday
Hollywood Progressive
“A slice of life… fans can enjoy seeing the actor who played Paulie perform live onstage – one of the joys of L.A.’s unique theater scene.” — Ed Rampell, Hollywood Progressive
LA West Media
“Well directed… a mystery with comedic moments… comes alive in the second act” — Beverly Cohn, LA West Media & Santa Monica Mirror
Culture Spot LA
“Intriguing… the set is great… the dialogue is earthy and imbued with ‘New Yawk-ese’… humor and drama“ — David Maurer, Culture Spot LA