“SUBTLE, SMART AND STRIKING… The actors are game, each performance as solid as the next… a fairly stellar piece of agitprop, grounded in the all too real neo-noir heart of LA and powered by scripting, performing, and direction.” — Noah J. Nelson, No Proscenium
“A FUN NIGHT… PERFORMANCES ARE STUNNING… absolutely sharp and quick in dealing with multiple questioners – sometimes all at once.” — Tracey Paleo, Broadway World
“SPONTANEOUS, IMMEDIATE AND AUTHENTIC. In fact, it’s so real that audience members become passionately invested in getting answers from recalcitrant or untrustworthy witnesses.” — Laura Foti Cohen, Larchmont Buzz
“FUN (AND DECIDELY UNIQUE)… performances could not be better… offers audiences starved for live theater the chance to connect and be entertained at the same time.” — Stage Scene LA’s Steven Stanley via Facebook
“FASCINATING… integrates history and live theater in a highly creative way.” — Elaine Mura, Splash Magazines
“INTERACTIVE AND INVOLVING… For all-involving fun, Underneath The Freeways of LA tops many an online event… Best of all, the show’s magic ingredient is you! DON’T MISS IT.“ — Leigh Kennicott, Showmag
“A TIGHTLY WRITTEN, INTELLIGENTLY ACTED political drama that grabs the audience… The commitment shown by cast members is astounding… puts us right in the middle of the decisions that affect the life and breath of our cities.” — Bill Weber, Discover Hollywood