Lucy Pollak Public Relations

What the Constitution Means to Me – Reviews

Press Telegram
HUMOR, INSIGHT AND UNFLINCHING HONESTY… captivates audiences… incisive storytelling… allow yourself to be swept away by this transformative theatrical experience.” — Sean McMullen, Press-Telegram and Grunion Gazette

LA Theatrix 
DELIGHTFULLY ENGAGING AND FUNNY THROUGHOUT… [a] combination of political pointedness, humanity and humor… AMUST-SEE’.” — Anita W. Harris, LA Theatrix

On Stage Los Angeles 
DELIGHTFULEDUCATIONAL AND FUN… Kudos to [director] caryn desai and her cast… Please attend!” — Michael Sheehan, On Stage Los Angeles

2 Urban Girls 
A history lesson we didn’t know we needed.” — Emilie St. John, 2 Urban Girls

WFMU Radio 
A UNIQUE THEATRICAL EXPERIENCE… thought-provoking, conversation provoking, it’s really wonderful… Go out and see this show.” — Bob Barth, WFMU Radio

Los Angeles Beat 
“[AN] EXCELLENT CAST, DIRECTION AND PRODUCTION… create[s] a respectful, intelligent and honest dialogue.” — Bryan Moore, Los Angeles Beat

Splash Magazines 
BOTH HILARIOUS AND POIGNANT… keep[s] the audience on the edge of their seats… timely, thought-provoking and entertaining.” — Elaine Mura, Splash Magazines