Los Angeles Times
“AN ALL-BUT-LOST PIECE OF HISTORY… Theatricum’s wooded amphitheater in Topanga Canyon is a terrific location for this tale… Director Ellen Geer marvelously deploys a cast of 20, keeping the story moving and emotions running high.” — Daryl Miller, Los Angeles Times
Southern California News Group
“FOUR STARS… Romance! Swordplay! History! … a melodrama, with outsize characters on both sides… director Ellen Geer, appreciates DuBois’ sense of humor and gets to ply her own… truly spectacular fight scenes” — Dany Margolies, Southern California News Group (Los Angeles Daily News, Long Beach Press-Telegram, Orange County Register, Daily Breeze, Pasadena Star-News, Whittier Daily News, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, San Bernardino Sun, Redlands Daily Facts, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, and Riverside Press-Enterprise.)
US Theatre & Opera
“THEATER AT ITS VERY BEST… [mixes] up politics, love, fate, and just plain high-jinx… marvelous swordfights and battles that might have made Earl Flynn jealous.” —Douglas Messerli, U.S. Theater, Opera and Performance
LA Splash
“ENTERTAINING AND ILLUMINATING… The audience will have a rollicking time” — Elaine Mura, LA
“WOW!… drama, comedy, and romance, cheer-worthy heroes and hissable villains, a cast of dozens, and the most thrilling swordplay you’ll see all summer long… Check it out this crowd-pleaser at Theatricum Botanicum and you’ll be glad you did..” — Steven Stanley, Stage Scene LA
Long Beach Times Newspaper
“ACTION, DRAMA, COMEDY… battles and fantastic swashbuckling scenes that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat… thumbs up for fine acting, directing, and most of all shear realism.” — Wilfred J. Phillips. Long Beach Times Newspaper
Santa Monica Daily Press
“SUPERB… HIGHLY RECOMMENDED… Do. Not. Miss this one.” — Charles Andrews, Santa Monica Daiy Press
Hollywood Progressive
“VIVE LA RESISTANCE AND VIVE HAITI!…the spectacle features great onstage swordplay and derring-do, and makes clever use of the Topanga Canyon environs … MY FAVORITE THEATRE” — Ed Rampell, Hollywood Progressive
Messenger Mountain News
“WOW! JUST WOW!… This is an absolute gem of a play… witty, gritty, and sharp as the finest blade.” — Claire Fordham, Messenger Mountain News
“A SATISFYING, SWASHBUCKLING ADVENTURE… the entire ensemble works beautifully together to create the ambiance and mood of an old-fashioned melodrama where audiences cheer the heroes and boo the villains” — Leigh Kennicott, Showmag
People’s World
“ROMANCE AND INTRIGUE… No one seeing Haiti will doubt for a minute that the Revolution of 1802 has relevance and resonance to the issues the world is dealing with today… Take my advice and see it while you can!” – Eric Gordon, People’s World
“LES MOMENTS DRAMATIQUES, COMIQUES ET ROMANTIQUES… des combats à l’épée divertissants… Brillamment servie par sa mise en scène et l’énergie de ses acteurs” (“Dramatic, comical and romantic moments … entertaining sword fights … Brilliantly served by its staging and the energy of its actors”) — Michèle Druon, France-Amérique
Haines His Way
“A RIP-ROARING GOOD TIME… pow-bang-pop-ouch fight choreography… a piece of theatre history, and for that reason alone it should be seen by any theatre lover.” — Rob Stevens, Haines His Way
The Fume of Sighs
“INTERESTING AND ENTERTAINING… excellent actors, a couple of great sword fights, and some sweet emotional moments. The beautiful hillside theater is a perfect backdrop” — Dena Burroughs, The Fume of Sighs